Room Rentals

Community Media Room

$10.00 per hour for Non-Profit groups — must be completely volunteer run and not receiving funding. 

$20.00 per hour for individuals, or profit/business groups, etc.
(Additional charges apply if using the library’s computers.)

The capacity of the room is 26 people. 

The Sioux Lookout Public Library established the Community Media Room in 1994 and provided an essential service by becoming the only access point for the Internet. In 2014, this space was rebranded as the Community Media Room after undergoing a transformation funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

The Community Media Room is equipped with conference furniture, a ceiling-mounted projector (which creates a ten-foot screen), a sound system and one public access computer. 

A free wireless access (wi-fi), provided by K-Net Services, is available throughout the library; this connection provides ultra-fast speeds and unlimited bandwidth for streaming, downloads, and uploads.